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Archive for the ‘millennials’ Category

Did faith fall off a cliff during COVID? New study says no.

November 14, 2022 By Bob Smietana (RNS) — When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, many Americans lost the habit of churchgoing after almost every church in the country closed down their in-person services and shifted online. But did some of them give up on God? Sociologists like Michael Hout want to know. Hout, a professor of sociology at

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Fewer than half of Americans may be Christian by 2070, according to new projections

September 13, 2022 By Bob Smietana (RNS) — America has long prided itself on being a country where people can choose whatever religion they like. The majority has long chosen Christianity. By 2070, that may no longer be the case. If current trends continue, Christians could make up less than half of the population —

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‘God-denying’ women and self-replacing Christians: How religion changes birthrates

September 8, 2022 By Ryan Burge (RNS) — According to Bloomberg News, South Korea’s fertility rate dropped from .84 babies per woman to .81 in 2021, the lowest figure on record. If current trends continue, the number of people in South Korea will be the same in 2100 as it was in 1960. In response, the government

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Millennials adopt digital worship, but not at the expense of IRL faith

August 5, 2022 By Kathryn Post (RNS) — No small number of millennials was first introduced to personal technology tending to their tamagotchis during recess. Only later did the dot-com revolution, smartphones and social media invade every part of their lives, from relationships to health to music — and faith. Today, meditation podcasts, TikTok sermons and livestreams

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America elected a female vice president. Now will it put women in the pulpit?

By Ryan Burge Produced in collaboration with the Religion News Service.  (RNS) — One of the most important stories coming out of the 2020 presidential election is that the United States will soon swear in its first female vice president. Vice President-elect Kamala Harris noted this in her victory speech on Nov. 7, when she

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Study finds that queer Christians quit the church twice as much as others

A study in the Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion strongly associated queer identity with a decision to attend church less frequently or stop going altogether.

Why porn’s negative personal consequences are often really about religion

Evangelicals’ feeling about porn may well be influencing public policy as mostly red states have increasingly sought to declare pornography a ‘public health crisis.’

Can churches’ focus on race move from reconciliation to justice?

‘The evangelical pastors that we interviewed, ultimately chose racial reconciliation as their primary frame,’ a scholar said of study of multiracial church leaders.

Do religious tattoos promote sexual license?

New studies on religious tattoos explore the relation between faith and a practice associated with sex, drugs and copious amounts of alcohol. The results are mixed.

The Millennials’ Loneliness Gap and the Religion Factor

Religious attendance and congregational involvement may reduce loneliness among millennials, a new study suggests.

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