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Archive for the ‘Faith’ Category

Sorry cats: Dogs may be worshippers' best friends

Organized religion may be going to the dogs. A study finds a major divide in worship attendance among owners of outgoing canines and more aloof cats.

Life in the ‘purple’ zone: Conflict in pews, silence in pulpit

Clergy with a mix of members with “red” and “blue” political views in the pews tend to tread lightly when it comes to preaching on controversial topics in sermons. Abortion, fossil fuels, a critique of capitalism, and LGBTQ issues were more often avoided in the pulpit, a new study found.

How the Mike Pence Rule challenges women in evangelical workplace

The practice of men avoiding contact with women at work out of concens of impropriety may come at a particularly high price for evangelical working women who are excluded from male-dominated social networks that are critical to professional success, a new study indicates.

Do religious tattoos promote sexual license?

New studies on religious tattoos explore the relation between faith and a practice associated with sex, drugs and copious amounts of alcohol. The results are mixed.

The Millennials’ Loneliness Gap and the Religion Factor

Religious attendance and congregational involvement may reduce loneliness among millennials, a new study suggests.

Study: Self-compassion significant to clergy health

A gentle attitude of self-regard may help clergy have greater life satisfaction and be more likely to be inspired and enthusiastic, rather than upset and guilty, about their ministry.

Studies follow uneven paths of secularization while debunking popular myths

The debate about whether the world is entering a more secular age and whether the growth of religiously non-affiliated people is hastening such secularization in part revolves around questions of timing. In other words, when did these trends start and what led to them?

Aging populations may put brakes on global secularization trends

Does longstanding evidence that people become more religious as they age indicate that secularization trends may reverse in rapidly aging societies of high-income countries? The findings of a new study indicate faith may be more compelling as individuals face their own mortality.

Body image by faith: Who is most satisfied with their appearance?

Summertime, and the livin’ seems easy on the glut of network shows featuring young men and women with sculpted bodies celebrating the narcissistic quest to determine who is the most desirable of all. But as we look away from the magic mirror of fantasy answers to the Cinderella question, consider how harmful it can be to the mental health and self-worth of those trying to live up to near-impossible cultural ideals of beauty. New research suggests faith may provide an answer.

Beyond the nones: Exploring the twentysomething soul

Where have all the young adults gone? Not as far from religion as one might think, according to a new study finding large numbers of twentysomethings are combining a spiritual life with religious practice.

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