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Posts Tagged ‘General Social Survey’

The decline of the religious left in the age of Trump

Hopes for a revived religious left may be based more on a wing and a prayer than solid evidence of any such new awakening. Rather, there are several signs indicating “a notable decline” in political activity among religious liberals, new research indicates..

Evangelical mothers have erased work-faith gap: Conservative Protestant women also have fewest work-family conflicts, research finds

Just a couple of generations removed from widespread pressure to stay at home, evangelical working moms are now being welcomed into congregations, new research indicates. Conservative Protestant women, a category mostly made up of evangelicals, also were less likely to face work-family conflicts than women from other traditions.

Prayer and anger: Having a divine shoulder to cry on may reduce aggression

Managing anger. Overcoming trauma. Promoting pro-social attitudes. The latest research on prayer and anger delves deeper into the ways conversations with God appear to help some people find peace.

Religion and guns: Studies find faith linked to lower devotion to firearms

Two new studies indicate that greater personal faith predicts lower attachment to guns and lower levels of gun ownership. Rather than propping up an anything-goes gun culture, religion may be part of the solution in promoting conversations that move beyond the partisan divides that have immobilized debates over gun control.

Faith and sex: Cyberporn takes emotional, spiritual toll on religious Americans

In a nation where close to half of adults will tell you viewing pornography is always morally wrong, the increasing temptations to seek sexual satisfaction on the Internet pose moral dilemmas for many Americans. And the struggle between conflicting personal desires and beliefs can be particularly costly for religious Americans, new research suggests.

Religion and higher education: The effect on faith of being smarter than a fifth-grader

Does higher education lead to a loss of faith? The answer, as indicated in a new study, may be as complex as the American religious landscape. Evangelicals, black Protestants and Catholics appear to become more religious the more steps they climb on the academic ladder, while the religiously unaffiliated are far less likely to pray or hold traditional beliefs as they acquire advanced degrees, according to the study, which analyzed data from the 1972-2006 General Social Survey. Overall, however, “The main contribution of this study is that education does not uniformly decrease religiosity,” the researchers reported.

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