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Posts Tagged ‘Review of Religious Research’

Are we asking too much - and giving too little - to journal editors?

Low pay. Great expectations and scrutiny. And a job where a knack for effective begging comes in handy. So who would want to be an editor of an academic journal on religion? Some who do this work say there needs to be a larger conversation about how journal editors are supported and compensated, and how these issues matter to their mission of disseminating excellent scholarship on religion from throughout the world.

Faithful man walking: Science finds multiple benefits of religion for justice system

Several new studies find faith may serve to create a safer, more just society, from reducing recidivism and prison violence to
helping those seeking redemption find a peace that can transform their lives.

It can't happen here: How houses of worship face challenge of preserving sacred space and protecting members

How do you celebrate the presence of a loving, divine protector while guarding against crime in your church, synagogue or mosque? Not always very well, according to research measuring the extent and nature of crimes against congregations, and the ways congregations address security concerns. The majority of congregations “do not have much of any security measures in place,” a national survey found.

Prayer and anger: Having a divine shoulder to cry on may reduce aggression

Managing anger. Overcoming trauma. Promoting pro-social attitudes. The latest research on prayer and anger delves deeper into the ways conversations with God appear to help some people find peace.

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